How Is Our Team Different?
Lasting Impact
In today's specialized hot water profession, it has become harder than ever to find and hold the best talent. At Bateman Water Heating we have minimal turn over because each person that is part of our team is valued. Our plumbing engineers and technicians are both proficient and have a sense of purpose: They know the work they are doing is making a real difference in people's lives, the environment and society.
Bateman Employees Treated Right
Giving, Training & Understanding
You would do anything for the people you care about, the same applies to us - the Bateman family!
The Bateman Water Heating team takes a different approach. We listen, receive input and suggestions from each person that works for us, providing a better outcome for all. Together, we are continually sharing, learning about hot water and evaluating new products, codes and field experiences in weekly meetings. We critique each others work knowing that it makes all of us better. We also cut them some slack. If they need time off to go to their kid's baseball game, let them have it. Our income and benefits for our team members aren’t based on what others in our line of work get; it’s based on effort and performance. We also pay our interns and provide on the job mentors for our apprentices, encouraging collaboration, and career growth opportunities.

Our Team Does More for You
Each member of our team contribution's is both vital and valued. Because our employees both love and are passionate about what they do they perform at their best and always go that extra mile for you! It is a win-win and it all begins with doing the right thing.
When our team members feel valued, their value benefits you - our client.
Bateman Water Heating Specialists
Dedicated and passionate hot water equipment professionals
Our commercial hot water specialists are highly trained on manufactures and models of hot water equipment used in Southern California. Our apprentices receive in-depth and specialized one on one training before becoming a plumbing technician. In addition, all of our employees and service specialists are required to attend weekly training meetings to stay current on new products, procedures and industry codes.
Cumulatively, our hot water specialists have over 156 years combined experience and on average each of our individual tradesmen have 22 years of experience.
All of us at Bateman Water Heating are enthusiastic about our work and we always put in great effort to uphold the highest standards created by our founder, Ronald E Bateman in 1969, in the belief that “Everything is important.”